Blizzard Challenge 2023

From SynSIG
Revision as of 18:13, 20 October 2022 by Simon.King (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Read these first == * First, please read the Call for Participation in the Blizzard Challenge 2023 in PDF format * Then,...")
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Read these first

The organising committee this year is led by Olivier Perrotin from gipsa-lab with assistance from The University of Edinburgh.


Register by emailing (note: this is a new address and differs from previous years). We need to know your

  • preferred team name - the organisers may adjust this so that all teams have meaningful, unique names
  • affiliation - the name of your University and lab, or your Company
  • the name of the main contact person - this must be exactly one person who is responsible for all communication with the organiser
  • contact details:
    • main contact person's email address - should be an institutional email address
    • backup email address(es)
    • postal address
    • phone number

Data download


Development tools


  • A questionnaire is included with the test materials. Please complete and include it within your submission.

Mailing list

There is a Google Group for discussion and announcements for the challenge:

Participants must join this group in order to receive information about the Challenge. You need to log in to a Google account, then request to join. If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one.


The timeline shown on this web page is VERY preliminary and subject to change.

  Jan 13    2023 - challenge announcement and registration open
  Jan 13    2023 - database released
  Mar 05    2023 - team registration closes
  Mar 27    2023 - test sentences released to participants
  Apr 03    2023 - deadline for participants to submit synthetic speech (23:59 AoE)
  Apr 07    2023 - last date for payment of the entry fee
  Apr 17    2023 - evaluation systems go live
  Jun 04    2023 - end of the evaluation period
  Jun 16    2023 - release of results
  Jul 03    2023 - deadline to submit workshop papers (23:59 AoE)
  Jul 28    2023 - notification of acceptance
  Aug 20-24 2023 - INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland
  Aug 26-28 2023 - SSW12, Grenoble, France 
  Aug 29    2023 - Blizzard Challenge 2023 Workshop, same location as SSW

Announcement and registration Friday 13 January 2023 DB release Friday 13 January 2023 Registration close Sunday 5 March 2023 Test sentences release Monday 27 March 2023 Submission synthesis Monday 3 April 2023 Payment Friday 7 April 2023 Evaluation open Monday 17 April 2023 Evaluation close Sunday 4 June 2023 Results release Friday 16 June 2023 Paper deadline Monday 3 July 2023 Notification acceptance Friday 28 July 2023 Workshop Tuesday 29 August 2023


Information on the workshop can be found here: Blizzard Challenge 2021 Workshop

Any questions?

  • Please contact if you have any questions

Previous challenges