Blizzard Challenge 2014

From SynSIG
Google UK has generously provided financial support to the Blizzard Challenge 2014

This Blizzard Challenge has finished

  • Please do not try to register for this challenge - you are too late!
  • The data are no longer available via this site
  • However, related data may be available from
  • The remainder of this page is left as a record of the Challenge

Read these first

Registration and license agreement

1. Register by emailing We need to know your team name, the name of the main contact person, your affiliation, and contact details including email address, postal address and phone number. Please state which datasets you want to download and which tasks you are planning to submit entries to (this is non-binding, but is helpful for our planning).

2. Complete the license for Indian language data, which can be accessed via

Data download

  • Indian languages: About 2 hours of speech data in each of six Indian languages (Assamese, Gujarati, Hindi, Rajasthani, Tamil and Telugu), recorded by native professional speakers in high quality studio environments. Text is provided in UTF-8 format. No other information, such as segment labels, is provided.
  • These speech databases are provided by the group of institutions: IIIT Hyderabad, IIT Madras, DAIICT, SSN College of Engineering, IIT Mandi, and IIT Guwahati with support and collaboration from DeitY, Gov. of India.
  • You will be sent a username and password to download the data after accepting the license. Download links can be found via
  • Note that the official release for this challenge is only the speech data (wav/ directory), sampled at 16 kHz, and the corresponding text in UTF-8 format (
  • Development tools, available via :, include:
    • Submitted synthetic speech and listener scores for some previous Blizzard Challenges, which may be helpful during development

Mailing list

There is a mailing list for discussion and announcements for the challenge:

Participants must join the list by sending a message to with the following line in the body of the message

 subscribe blizzard-discuss

Once you are a member you will be able to mail messages to


The timeline shown on this web page is the official one and supercedes those shown in announcements - it is subject to change, but we will try to follow it as closely as possible. Note that we will not consider any requests from participants to change the synthetic speech submission date or the paper submission date!

  Feb 15    2014  -  databases to be released
  Apr 21    2014  -  test sentences released to participants
  Apr 28    2014  -  participants submit synthetic speech (by midnight PDT)
  May       2014  -  evaluation systems go live
  Jun 30    2014  -  end of evaluation period
  Aug  9    2014  -  deadline to submit workshop papers
  Aug 15    2014  -  notification of acceptance
  Sep 14-18 2014  -  Interspeech 2014, Singapore
  Sep 19    2014  -  Blizzard Challenge 2014 Workshop, Singapore


Information on the workshop can be found here: Blizzard Challenge 2014 Workshop

Any questions?

  • Please contact if you have any questions

Previous challenges