From SynSIG
Once Upon A Time

SynSIG is the ISCA Speech Synthesis Special Interest Group.


Following discussion at the ESCA/COCOSDA Jenolan Speech Synthesis Workshop and confirmation by a formal meeting at ICSLP-98 on Wednesday December 2nd, the ESCA (now ISCA) board has approved the first ESCA Special Interest Group, in the area of Speech Synthesis.

You can consult the list of initial members.

Constitution draft

See the Constitution of ESCA Special Interest Group on Speech Synthesis page.


Speech Synthesis Special Interest Group was formed to promote activities related to furthering the science of speech synthesis.

The SIG will brings together colleagues with a special interest in Speech Synthesis.
It promotes interest in speech synthesis including text-to-speech conversion, concept-to-speech conversion and related disciplines, provides a means of exchanging news on recent developments in research and applications through a web site and the organisation of meetings, workshops and other activities (for instance evaluation), and makes available relevant resources for education.

See this 2001 position paper on SynSIG's activities for more details.

Committee members

  • Chair: Esther Klabbers (ReadSpeaker, USA)
  • Secretary: Gustav Eje Henter (KTH, Stockholm Sweden)
  • ISCA Liaison: Zhen-Hua Ling (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China)

You can contact the Committee by sending mail using this form.


Membership is open to anyone with an interest in speech synthesis. In order to become a member, simply register to the SynSIG mailing list (moderated mailing list with low load).

Meetings and reports

What's next ?

External links