Publications in books, journals, conferences and workshops

From SynSIG



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Speech synthesis in-depth articles are mostly posted to the following journals:

ISCA ITRW Speech Synthesis Workshops (SSW)

INTERSPEECH (Previously Eurospeech / ICSLP)


  • VOQUAL'03, August 27-29, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland


  • TTS2002 IEEE 2002 WORKSHOP ON SPEECH SYNTHESIS, Dedicated to the memory of Michael Macon, September 11-13, 2002, Doubletree Hotel Santa Monica, California, USA.
  • Voice and Emotions, XV Annual Pacific Voice Conference and First International Pacific Voice & Speech Foundation / PIXAR Animation Studios Conference on Voice Quality and Emotions, PIXAR Animations Studios, Emeryville, California, March 11-13, 2005.
  • ISCA workshop on speech and emotions, Belfast 2000 (Proceedings are online).