Blizzard Challenge Roadmap

From SynSIG
Revision as of 16:06, 13 September 2016 by Simon.King (talk | contribs)

In recent years, the Blizzard Challenge changes task every 2 years, and each new task is introduced in pilot form for 1 year before it starts. Here's the picture so far, and the plan for the future (if any):

Year US English UK English Mandarin Indian languages Header text
2006 ATR 5000 utterance male
2007 ATR 8 hour male
2008 Edinburgh 15 hour male ('Roger') Chinese Academy of Sciences 6.5 hour female
2009 Same as 2008 iFLYTEK 6000 utterance female ('WJ')
2010 Phonetic Arts 5 hour male ('rjs') + Edinburgh 1 hour ARCTIC male ('roger') Same as 2008 plus 2.5 hours extra

EH1: Lessac 12000 utterance female ('Nancy')
ES1: as above, for address-reading domain
pilot: Librivox data from 2012


EH2.1 Librivox XX hour male (John Greenman)
EH2.2 devise a method for evaluation


2013-EH1: Lessac 300 hour female (Catherine 'Bobbie' Byers)
2013-EH2: 19 subset of the above

Example Example Example Example
2014 Example Example Example Example Example
2015 Example Example Example Example Example
2016 Example Example Example Example Example
2017 Example Example Example Example Example
2018 Example Example Example Example Example
2019 Example Example Example Example Example